The Book Chart
Nocturne by Christopher Rush
Nocturne by Christopher Rush
Spanning the life of Frederic Chopin, Nocturne focuses particularly on his last years through the eyes of an extraordinary parade of well known names, Delacroix, Victor Hugo, Franz Liszt, George Sand, and the lonely and faithful Scottish woman, Jane Stirling, who loved him best of all.
Famous and feted, Chopin storms his way though Paris, London, Edinburgh and Glasgow.
His music becomes more beautiful, his love affairs wilder and his spending completely out of control.
Chopin burns too bright and too fast against a background of unrest and revolution.
The people who love him best can only watch helplessly as his flame threatens to burn itself out.
Language: English
Extent: 304
Publish Date: 20 Aug 2024
ISBN: 9781914399763
Publisher: Sparsile Books Ltd
Imprint: Sparsile Books Ltd